Thursday, March 3, 2011

CHAPTER – IV: Thoughts On How Not To Self Implode

Also Contains The Answer To The Meaning Of Life, only in Case You Were Wondering.

Conversations with a being who I might say are as weird and possibly as funny as they come:

me: I still think Fountain Head is Over rated. Howard Roark is a character as Mythical as it comes....
Martian: Ah, yes quite an eccentric human being and a rather interesting concept. But I wonder if people like that exist?

me: they don't! It is a theory to make us believe that the purpose of Life is life itself of being existential and Hedonistic.....that is as pretentious and vague as it gets.
Martian: See, I like the fact that it goes for unabashed glorification of talent. That is how it should be. But it's true sometimes that you're forced to conform so much that you lose sight of what is good and true and as it happens Rand’s is just an exaggerated version of reality

me: Alright how about the uncompromising attitude towards people and relationships? Is it possible? I mean the whole charade of don't expect anything from a person, revere the talent of the person for who he/she is and that and monkey sex is all that you get?
Martian: See, her relationships seem a bit screwed. The women enjoy men who can conquer them but want to defeat them, the men want women who are their equals and take pleasure in bringing them down...I am not sure if that even approaches normal but her characters aren't human most of the time they're exalted beings

me: As in the image of what we should be?
Martian: NO….more like sci-fi advanced creatures stuck in these times. Exalted means in a weird very unearthly but slightly out of your world and in a parallel Universe way. Do not get that confused with some sense of enchantment and aspiration. Bright as you think you are, as intelligent as you think you are, you are indeed no different than the E-coli virus in a galaxy, time and dimension not so far away.

me: Well I still look at the stars and feel insignificant irrespective of what Ayn Rand says.
Martian: I don’t blame you. I mean you evolved from Apes and as they say, “The apple doesn’t land too far away from the tree.” But to answer your bewilderment I don't feel insignificant. But I feel privileged to be here, when my genes could have died out, when our planet could have decided not to support life, that those starts didn't burn out, implode or turn into a black hole, it's a series of coincidences so perfect that it makes you believe in luck

me: Are you serious?? Luck! Nothing else, you still don't have an answer to the questions, “Why and Who?”
Martian: The way I see it, I have about 70 Martian years or say 90 Earth years here. It's a beautiful solar system to be. The real estate prices are low, you have a stable orbit, you might worry about the occasional asteroid but big old Jupiter takes care of that and really there isn’t much else to worry about except for food, good entertainment and getting some action. I am not sure there is a higher purpose.

me: Alright let say I ask you, What after?
Martian: What?
me: What after life?
Martian: I don't think I really care. In your terms, dust to dust old chap!
me: My point exactly!

Martian: Hold on. I am not sure I got your point. Do you believe there's nothing after?
Me: I will admit something: I am afraid that there is nothing after! Which questions what is it that I am doing here? And that I can't even exist or think about it after
Martian: Hold on don’t strain your Homo Sapien brain so much? Even if there was a higher purpose to all of this, with an inefficient brain like that your species isn’t really equipped to find it out. I mean good luck to you all for not trying to nuke yourselves. Which primitive life forms ever thought of destroying each other with Nuclear weapons? Any half decent species would have committed self-genocide or reinvented the string theory. I don't think that we were put here for any special reason. It's what you call luck or destiny that we all got to this point like this. What you do with your life does not have to depend on why you were put here. Isn't it the best feeling? That you aren't here for anything, that you're free to do as you like!

Me: Hmmmm….now that you put it that way and since we are destined to turn into dust then lets hit the bar it is Friday night after all and its is your turn to pay!
Martian: I don't know I I like the manic depressive you or the you who gets sloshed within 3 pints!

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