Monday, September 14, 2009

Wishful Thinking

Dear Fairy God mother/Guardian Angel/Whoever you are,I know you are out there"

7/4 Angel street,
Heavenly Abode,
This Universe.

I hope the Celestial Postal system is a far better than the Indian one and that you do read this letter. Better yet I hope you exist. Now that I have exchanged pleasantaries let us cut to the chase.

In all my 21 years of existence you never did show up did you?
"I forgive you"
You didn't make me tall dark and handsome and rich (may be you succeeded rather well on the dark part).
"I forgive you"
You know you just stood there when I did not get that college I wanted, that girl I liked or that brand new BMW 7 series that I saw. But still my response is the same:
"I forgive you"

But cometh the time cometh the divine intervention!!!
Here are the list of other heavenly creatures I wan't to meet:

I promise, I swear I will treat her with all the respect a lady (or god)deserves. I mean I just wan't to know why that crow shits on my brand new shirt or that speeding driver splashes mud over me during the rains and the perennial why does every screw up happen with me at the centre of it. I won't hit on her or try to keep her for myself, I just need to talk to her.

Just like that only yaar! I think this god is like super cool. I mean you have your angry and punish the evil gods, you have your Greek gods with 6 pack abs and then you have ganesha. elephant head, broken tusk, large ears, larger tummy, need I say more as to why I identify with him!!!

Ok so you make me fall in love, but no one tells me about understanding and tolerating the girl in the relationship. Shouldn't your arrow of love come with this rider clause:"Statuary warning women cannot and should not and will not be understood. Any attempts to do the contrary will result in irrevocable damages."

Thanking you,

Yours truly,
beloved Godson/benefactor/grateful to you for life

PS: You gotta intervene. Please I like the word serendipity, i need it, i believe in it, i wan't it,i beg of you please please please..... Beautiful word S-E-R-E-N-D-I-P-I-T-Y by the way.

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