Here is finally a post on R.A.I.T that I have managed to write. This is to break the GLORY days myth that surrounds my college.
I admit that this blog may not be well researched and probably appear to be judgmental. However I must point out this now almost infamous Cliché about our college. I like to call it the "How RAIT was..." Cliché
This is how this fairytale reds:
Horizon was close to being the biggest cultural festival on this side of town or any side of town.
An RAIT student was street smart and confident (ok that may be true even today, I admit).
And RAIt is where you need to be to be an Engineer with a difference.
We are part of this almost unbelievably good Institution that was on the cusp of greatness.
The folklore of the college's past, the students, the professors, the mayhem the madnes all expressed with huge amounts of reverence by my seniors make this place look like St.Stephens. This will then be followed by the whole what is the state of this college and its future and that the students should do something about it and that this is how we would have done it.
This is how the coffee smells in the morning:
Horizon does not exist and will not until every student in R.A.I.T mobilizes himself in front of V.P's office (considering the general apathy amongst the lot I am not sure if that will happen but hey we are trying still)
R.A.I.T is not the place any student out of his HSC wants to be. I admit it I did not want to be here.
Our facilities are well crappy, the air conditioned library is a myth, the elevator is an extinct myth and the wonderful teachers have more or less left this place.
The reason why R.A.I.T is still standing is because of its past read: Horizon and a good placement cell. As both are, to put it mildly in a crisis today don't know what will happen of my alma mater.
But here is the part when I am going to stop cribbing about it. I am what I am today because I participated in that magazine called the WALL which consequently opened doors to HORIZON and a lot of other things. The only reason that a front bencher who poured tons of oil on his head, and whose definition of action meant adjusting the frame of his glasses and who could not even express himself but now can write this piece and express his opinion was because he met an extremely forthcoming and talented group of people (read venky mohsin ganju and the likes).
I do not know what the future holds with this college. And I predict that it will take a lot of years and a lot of changes yet for it to regain its "GLORY" I do not think that this is a great place to be in but I think it can be one in the years to come.
Nice post Dham.
RAIT had its issues in the past and it was the ability of it students to think and act differently from the herd that made it stand out!
If you want something badly enough, you have to work for it and yes you have to fight for it. And if the issue is big enough, then you gather your friends and fight it together.
Its time for more RAITians to speak out and express themselves. We have a collection of private blogs only for RAITians (current students and alumni) at and we have plenty of room for more.
I, frankly speaking, dont like this one. Could have been hopeful.. at least I see the college heading in the right direction.
Cheers mate,
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