Well the long wait is over! I am back on the blogosphere. Consider this just as an exercise to re-invent my writing skills:
Most governments get their media exercises wrong when they are in a crisis. Everyone is exceptional when the idea is to promote your country as a hub for tourism, education and to promote that everything is A-OK to your own civilians.
But what happens when thiings go awry.
5: the number of attacks on Indian students that have taken place in Melbourne Australia. As I write this the toll may have increased. Now are these incidents enough to condemn Australia as a Racist Country? No, but they are enough to make the Australian authorities realize that these attacks are Racist. In a world which is becoming increasingly intolerant, it becomes very important for a nation to swiftly deal with the grievances of an immigrant population or a minority element of your society.
You must send out the right signals and must be willing to accept that you do indeed have some racist elements in your country.
Now Gordon Brown issued a statement saying that," I acknowledge that we are in a crisis and I take full responsibilty of the situation. But i do not believe in running away. i will not resign."
This statement was clearly at the wrong time. Such a statement when the MP expenses scam first came out or when atleast half of his cabinet did not resign would have given his supporters more comfort and clearly would have not given his detractors so much to work with
Cut back to India and in almost all forms of media, the government and civic authorities, be it the judiciary or the police are always seen as corrupt, immoral and lazy individuals. This is far from true.
It is often observed that there is no unison when all these institutions come under fire. Eveyone who is someone issues a statement and someone else counters it sensing an opportunity to increase his public profile.
26/11 was a prime example of the same. One thing which I cannot understand is why the police, at least the Mumbai police have a media cell and if it does have a cell why do so many policeman speak so randomly.
The same can be said about the Judiciary in the corruption allegations against High court Judges of punjab. Here again too many voices in diiferent directions and it all leads to chaos.
Now I do not think any leader can change the world in 4 or 8 years but Obama, at the end od his term(s) may actually end up convincing the world that he is a modern great because of his excellent PR skills.
Without doubt he is the best orator amongst all the political heads of all natios in the world. Ahmedanijad may come close though when he is ranting against America.
almost always his speeches are superbly written. They are eloquently delivered and almost always include a quote or line or two addressing the particulaar target audience. for example the opening line at Cairo: Assalam Valayikum.
I think it was a first for any political leader addressing the Muslim World.
THe message I am tryinng to point out is that the right message with the right words expressed with some amount of empathy or sympathy will always win people over.
However the best way to avoid the media onslaught is to prevent the crisis from happening in the first place.
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