Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The golden right of passage for every boy to become a man is to tame the steel structured beast. The pride of every man (and more increasingly woman) is to drive their bike/ car all aroung town (fuel prices withstanding). I mean everyone knows to drive these days.

Then comes the minority report. A special group of talented individuals who have a driver's license but dont have a car and have lost all faith in their ability to drive. OK..... so it is just me and yes I do not drive, so what???!!!!!!!!!

I mean what difference does it make if I am 20 and I cant drive. What if I dont know that on some streets there is parking on alternate sides of the road on alternate days (I am comfused by just writing this statement). I cannot comprehend nor tell the difference between a Camry, Skoda or a Civic a 100 metres away. So I will propably take a long time to know that feeling of touching 150 on the expressway or to achieve perfection in the art of parallel parking.I have had it with being ridiculed about my driving impotency. I play these charades with friends all day about how the new Audi or the Honda Hybrid will revolutionize the roads. I dont even know what 'cc' means in case of a bike (volume of the pistons i think).

So people do end up saying wierd things;
"It doesnt give good mileage," "That car can give a whole lot of torque( T = FxR ????)"
"Just installed some Mcwheels," "Use the first two gears two save fuel(!!!!!!!!!!#%$#%^#$^??????)"
And what I do is nod my head in approval or diasapproval, depending on the majority.

I am unashamed to admit that I go out for a date in a BEST bus or a TRAIN (whatever suits my wallet at that point of time). As long as I have rich friends who can give me a lift, Who caares?????

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