Sunday, June 17, 2007


What turns a die hard cynic,an absolutely negative and self obsessed narcissist into an optimist?
Well the answer to that is a little bit of faith and hope. Dear reader this post is as much as an insight to my way of thinking as it is an intirguing question that I pose to you.

You see giving up hope is only the first step to regainning it. Life is portal to many different regions. But the essential route that is to be taken to reach them is one filled with belief. Admit it, how many times have you succeeded if you think you are going to fail?How many new avenues will you dicover if you are cynical about every new route which you take?

The most endearing and heart warming stories in life are the ones in which there is always hope and faith. In the midst of trials and tribulations there is always a hero who rises to the occassion.
Odysseus accomplished his voyage because he always wanted to reach home one day.
Cinderella is enchanting as she is endearing to every young person because she achieves her dream. That ellusive dream which she dared to dream while she was a slave to her stepmother.

Is it not a bit of faith that compels us to do things which we would not do otherwise. Is it not a bit of blind self belief that pushes us to take risks and grab life by its throat.It takes just a push for a man to fall down from a steep cliff. In my life every cliff is built with cynicism and negativity. But the endless valley down below is filled with happiness,hope and faith. So just take that one step. From a cynic to an optimist. I assure you its something that is worth the risk.


Srivats said...

To dream is no sin.....
However, one must realise that cinderella stories are very very very VERY unlikely to occur...
Always hope for the best, BUT prepare yourself for the worst.....
Appreciate all the obstacles life throws in your part... appreciate the worst... overcome it.. do not go along the path of life indulging in self-delusion.

brat said...

i intended to use the example of a cliff and valley even before i read the last paragraph. but in a different perspective. from that of an eternal optimist.the equilibrium at the valley is much more stable than at the cliff. so if you are always optimistic and hopeful, a small push upwards the hill of cynicism wont affect you, it will bring you back, unlike the case at the top of the cliff.

so if you are always hopeful that you will succeed, even if an adversity does come your way, you will roll back, and enjoy the success one day.

whereas if you are always negative and are pushed down the cliff of cynicism to the valley of hope, mostly this is what will happen. you will be coming with such a huge momentum of negativity that you wont be able to enjoy your valley for long as you will on your way climbing the next cliff pretty soon.

Unknown said...

Dreams that are not met generally tend to breed is impossible to always be and optimist...but striving for it is achieving a greater is filled with elements to bog you down...optimism is one of the paths to salvation...however one must always remember the boundary that is drawn between optimistic fantasy and bitter reality.